SouthEastern Solar has Power Storage Solutions

Our solar PV battery storage solutions increase your energy independence by storing excess self-generated electricity that can be released back into your property when needed, saving you even more money and further reducing your reliance on the National Grid. Having energy stored onsite can also provide protection against temporary power losses or brown-outs.
SouthEastern Solar is able to offer a reliable solar battery storage solution for your property, commercial or residential, that can either integrate with your existing solar PV system or be installed as a combined solution with a new array. Battery Storage is also a viable solution to short-lived power interruptions from the public utility. Matching battery solutions to your energy demands and current PV system size (if applicable) ensures that your property can not only use more of the excess power that would otherwise be exported back to the Grid, but also maximizes your financial savings.
Solar battery storage benefits:
Cut your energy bills further by using all of your generated electricity
As the energy demand curve varies from business to business, it’s common that at certain times of the day, your solar PV system may be generating electricity above your current demand. Having the ability to store and subsequently use this energy at a later time (when demand is greater than your system’s current generation) offers greater financial sense than selling the excess to the utility and then buying it back later.
Increased self-sufficiency and peace of mind
Similar to the above, storing and using more of your own self-generated electricity means that you are buying less electricity from the Grid and therefore more self-sufficient. Having stored electricity readily available onsite also reduces business risk against power shortages (brown outs) and power outtages, keeping your business operating during such eventualities.
From small roofs in urban settings to ground mounts in the country and everything in between, SouthEastern Solar can make it happen for you.
Take the first step by calling SouthEastern Solar at 205-545-8685 for a free solar site evaluation today. Monday through Friday: 9:00AM-5:00PM. Saturday by Appointment.
Counties serviced by SouthEastern Solar for Residential or Off-Grid Power Storage installations are: Bibb, Blount, Jefferson, Shelby, St. Clair, Tuscaloosa and Walker.